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Using an alternative greeting during the covid pandemic

Life Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If someone would have approached us a year ago and told us that, in 2020, the country would essentially shut down for three months; the busiest thoroughfares in cities across the world would be empty of traffic; schools and colleges would close for an entire semester and blockbuster releases would be put on hold indefinitely, we probably would not have believed them.

Tales of mass shutdowns and cancellations of in-person gatherings, from sporting events to concerts to graduations, sound like scenes from an outrageous sci-fi movie with an unbelievable plot. Not real life, right?

We’ve all changed this year. We’ve …

How to manage high medical bills

How to Pay for Large Medical Bills

If you’re looking at astronomical medical bills thanks to the coronavirus pandemic or another health emergency, you might think there’s no choice but to pay thousands of dollars for your treatment. Lucky for you, though, there is hope.

Here’s some advice on how to bring down the numbers on your medical bills and tips on how to cover the remaining costs in five easy steps.

Step 1: Review your bills.

Typically, you’ll receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company along with the actual bill, which tells you how much you’re responsible for paying. It’s important to hold …

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