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Deposit Rates

Primary Share Accounts
Daily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership.

Custodial Savings Accounts
Daily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $0.00.

Holiday Club Accounts
Daily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings. Payout occurs in October. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $0.00.

Special Savings Accounts
TermDaily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $0.00.

Money Market Accounts
Daily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate
$100,000 and over0.50%0.50%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends are compounded and declared on the last day of the month. Maximum of 6 withdrawals/transfers per month. Fees may reduce earnings. APY is based on non-withdrawal of dividends earned. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $1,000.00.

Business Money Market Accounts

Business Money Market Accounts

Daily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate
$100,000 and over0.50%0.50%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends are compounded and declared on the last day of the month. Maximum of 6 withdrawals/transfers per month. Fees may reduce earnings. APY is based on non-withdrawal of dividends earned. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $1,000.00.

Share Certificates
TermAPY*Dividend Rate
3 months0.55%0.55%
6 months3.04%3.00%
9 months4.02%3.95%
12 months4.33%4.25%
24 months4.45%4.35%
36 months3.82%3.75%
48 months3.56%3.50%
60 months3.30%3.25%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 2/1/2025 and may change at any time. Maximum term is 60 months. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees and early withdrawal penalties may reduce earnings. APY is based on non-withdrawal of dividends earned. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $500.00.

IRA Accounts

IRA Certificates (Traditional, Roth, Coverdell, SEP)

TermDaily MinimumAPY*Dividend Rate
3 months$5000.60%0.60%
6 months$5003.09%3.05%
9 months$5004.07%4.00%
12 months$5004.39%4.30%
24 months$5004.50%4.40%
36 months$5003.87%3.80%
48 months$5003.61%3.55%
60 months$5003.35%3.30%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 2/1/2025 and may change at any time. Maximum term is 60 months. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees and early withdrawal penalties may reduce earnings. APY is based on non-withdrawal of dividends earned. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $500.00.

IRA Holding Account

Previous Quarter Paid on all balances0.10%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates as of 5/1/2024 and may change at any time. Dividends declared on the last day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings. A $5 minimum share account balance is required for TEGFCU membership. Minimum to open account is $5.00. 

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