Take control of your credit future. Get started with a credit builder loan from TEGFCU.
Our economy runs on credit, so building yours is a smart financial move. A First-Time Borrower Loan could be your first step in creating a credit history. Establishing creditworthiness now can help make major financial decisions down the road, like buying a car or home, easier and more affordable. Strong credit unlocks better loan rates, saving you money in the long run.
With a personal loan, you get the money you need in one lump sum and enjoy the convenience of a fixed monthly payment at a low rate. Plus, when you take out a First-Time Borrower Loan from TEGFCU, you’ll gain a financial partner to help you establish good credit for the long term.
First-Time Borrower Loans offer:
Borrowers must have:
Quick, Convenient, and Secure Application
First Time Borrower
Vehicle Loan

Understanding Your
Credit Score

At TEGFCU, your best interests have always been our focus. As a better alternative to banks, our mission is simple, to help you get to a better place financially.
Membership is open to anyone (and their immediate families) who lives, works, worships, or attends school in Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, and Westchester County, NY. A $5 minimum deposit opens the door to all the benefits of being a valued TEGFCU member.
When we come together, everyone grows.